Nursing Informatics Innovators: Carol Romano
Rear Admiral Romano is the Acting Chief of Staff for the Office of the Surgeon General and Chief Nurse Officer for the Public Health Service. She began her career at the National Institutes of Health in 1971 and worked as an associate investigator, clinical research nurse, informatics specialist, Senior Advisor for Clinical Research Informatics. Her research and scholarship includes informatics education, confidentiality of clinical records, and the adoption of innovations. She designed and implementing one of the first computerized medical information systems in 1976 and was co-architect of the world’s first graduate curriculum in nursing informatics at the University of Maryland. She developed a model for a computerized database, chaired NIH conferences on computer technology, defined the quality improvement role for clinical information systems, and represents nursing informatics on interdisciplinary federal committees, including and the government representative to the Informatics Committee of Clinical Translational Science Award initiative (2007).