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To improve health in the United States and globally, AMIA engages with federal policymakers and other thought leaders to improve health and healthcare with use of informatics’ science, research, and practice. By engaging directly with federal legislators and agencies and major stakeholders in the medical field, AMIA is devoted to being the go-to thought leader and convener for the field.

Public Policy Priorities

AMIA’s Board of Directors approved four policy “north stars,” or goals to guide our policy efforts:


Support the healthcare workforce by advancing the field of informatics and reducing burden on clinicians.

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Advocate for evidence-based care and decision-support through informatics, including through machine-learning and AI.

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Advocate for health IT solutions that ameliorate systemic biases and discrimination.

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Advocate for ongoing funding for the field, including informatics research.

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The four “north stars” were voted on by AMIA membership and synthesize our current Public Policy Principles, other major AMIA initiatives such as DEI, and the hot topics in DC. They are termed “north stars” as they are our ultimate guide for the work we plan to do from 2024-2029.

Since 2020, AMIA Public Policy has been guided by AMIA’s Public Policy Principles – a living document identifying the core pillars to Health Informatics Policy.

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Washington Download

AMIA’s Washington Download is a biweekly newsletter for health informatics policy news and information. It highlights the conversations and activities driving the health policy agenda in Washington, D.C.